I don't know what I'm doing!

In all honesty I don't expect to be writing here much, even less that anyone will actually read it, but so far making this site has been a really fun hobby ^^ So for now I guess I'll just write about how that's been!

Prior Experience

I'm not exactly new to HTML (I did a course on it as part of my degree, so I'm ""qualified"" at the very least), but all my prior work using HTML were for personal projects that I never shared. It's an entirely different story when you plan to show people what you've made, like there's that little voice in your head nagging you that it has to be perfect, you know? In my case that just meant some simple things; keep as much styling in the CSS as possible, learning to use <article> and <p> tags, flexboxes, that sort of stuff.

I know several programming languages already, so the JavaScript side of things is super easy for me, as well as the setup needed for the web server that I plan to implement into the site next week. Speaking of:

The Web server

I spent a whole day trying to get this hecking web server to work!! I didn't get around to doing a single other thing on the site, it was so annoying! But hey, that's anything to do with networking for you.

So what do I need a web server for? I'd like to make a section of this site that uses some online interactivity. Currently thinking of calling it Eml Online because I'm uninspired :) In this online section I want to make a trading card game! The collecting aspect of it is far more important to me than the game side, so don't expect to be playing any games anytime soon. The cards will probably just contain characters and things from games I like, at least to begin with.

There is a small problem however; the servers won't be online 24/7 (after all, if I could afford 24/7 hosting, I probably wouldn't be on Neocities now would I?) This has a few complications, like making the games side of things difficult, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

I'm still unsure on whether or not I'll make a live chat system or just keep it as a "mail-in" type system. 'suppose that doesn't matter until I'm actually getting messages now does it?

Life stuff ~

I didn't actually spend two whole days doing nothing but web server development, thankfully. Yesterday I visited the aquarium with friends! I love the aquarium, I hadn't been in AGES so it was pretty fun. My phone camera / camera skills are abysmal so no photos. Sorry! I made Splatoon jokes at every opportunity. Not sorry!

I didn't make much progress on the site today either, but that's because I have an awards ceremony to go to! I'm getting a reasonably prestigious award (with prize money!) so that's neat, even if I'm dreading actually going haha

Alright, that's all I got. If you read this ily <3 byeeeeee!!
