Fighting Games
My favourite genre of games! I'm not very competetive in them (the upcoming Rivals 2 aside) but I still play them a lot with friends! Here you can find some rants about things I love in them and just all-around gushing for the genre. You can also find some of my own FGs I'm designing, although they currently lack any visual components so they're not terribly exciting ;-;
Card Games
Here you'll find stuff on mostly my own homemade card game designs. I used to be into TCG's when I was younger and I've since fallen out of that, but that doesn't make me any less interested in them! Board game stuff is also in here, my favourites are BattleCON/Exceed by Level 99 Games for effectively being fighting games in card game form LOL
I speedrun a little bit! I only run two games, and one is purely for fun and I'm not competetive at all. The other I'm a former world record holder in though, and if I made this page a few days ago, I still would be! Here you can find my collection of Super Sami Roll IL PB's and occasional Portal inbounds runs.
Don't get too excited, I'm not a composer or player ;-; Just a few of my favourite artists and tracks for your enjoyement (warning; I listen to bad music ♥)
~ Other Box !! ~