Reverence for Another ~

Thanks for stopping by <3

Welcome to my page! My name's Emily! You can find more about me on the About page ♥

This page is mainly a place to store my personal projects, but also a place to share some of my interests! I'm a pretty quiet and secretive person to my friends, so for me this is a place I can talk about what I care about without worrying about what they might think of me. Most of these things can be found on my Hobbies page!

I also have a blog! I can't say the posts are very interesting but they're there!

Keep in mind I am Australian, meaing I use real units and write dates like a normal person ♥

Thanks again for visiting, I hope at least something here can make you smile ^^

Site Log

September 5, 2024 > New site background! A working(?) chatbox! Fixed the inconsistent page centring! My HTML is godlike! Removed doomposting about XML requests and updated the home page to be more cohesive.

September 3, 2024 > ...let's not talk about the gap. Just kidding, let's talk about it, in the blog! Slight modifications to the blog layout, and minor updates to a few pages again.

July 25, 2024 > Happy One-Week! Turns out ALL XML requests are forbidden for non-supporter accounts, so I've edited the pages accordingly! Minor edits to a few pages.

July 23, 2024 > Made a blog entry!

July 20, 2024 > Expanded the fighting games page by adding some links to specific games. Also wrote a bit on said specific games! Look at me go ^^ Also changed the site log to a scrolling box to limit main page size.

July 19, 2024 > Added a comment box! I haven't decided where I'm going to put the comments I recieve yet. Filled in some sidebars, added to the speedrun page. Also removed hotlinks. I'm sorry, I didn't realise ;-;

July 18, 2024 > The site now contains more than "work in progress"! Added bare minimum layout and placeholders.

July 17, 2024 > Site was created!